1.3. Syntax support

Support for a subset of python3 standard syntax.

1.3.1. object support

Syntax compile-time Runtime Shell
Module Definition - -
Module import
Class Definition
class inheritance
method definition
method overloading
method invocation
parameter definition
parameter assignment
object creation
object destruction
object nesting
control flow

1.3.2. Operator

+ - * / == > < >= <= % ** // != & >> << and or not in += -= *= /=

1.3.3. Control flow

Syntax State
for in [list]
for in range(a, b)
for in [dict]
if elif else
for break/continue
while break/continue

1.3.4. Module

Syntax Python Module C Module
import [module]
import [module] as -
from [module] import [class/function>] -
from [module] import [class/function>] as -
from [module] import * - PikaObj Module Only

1.3.5. List/Dict

Syntax State
l = list()
l = [a, b, c]
d = dict()
d = {'a':x, 'b':y, 'c':z}

1.3.6. Exception

Syntax State
except [Exception]: -
except [Exception] as [err]: -
except: ...
raise [Exception]: -
finally: -

1.3.7. Slice

Syntax str bytes list
test[a : b]
test[a :]

1.3.8. Other keywords/Syntax

yield is comprehensions
- - -